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Thirsty Thursday: All Together

Soooo I know I know: we've been quiet. Truth, after understanding the true long-term impacts that Covid is going to have on Tapped this season, I went out and got me an adult job. To give you a sense of impact: every single festival and outdoor music event has been cancelled. Every wedding has cancelled or rescheduled but one. To say our season is shaping up much differently than we anticpated is an understatement.

I'm lucky enough to have a skillset and past professional experience that I can lean into though. And that I can go and do some meaningful work! Prior to Tapped, I had enjoyed a successful career in tech recruitment, and it seemed to me that people could really use my help again. It was time for me to shift my focus and use my knowledge and voice to help those looking for work. But I digress!

After 2 weeks back in the grind, I was ready for a cold one this afternoon. I've been ready since Tuesday for this beer!

And in case you missed our last Thirsty Thursday pour, y'all should know: I'm a sucker for a beer that does good for our community. So it should be no suprise that we are featuring the All Together.

All Together is such a rad concept. You can read more about it here, but ultimately it's a worldwide collaboration. Some big brains came together to develop an open-source recipe (open-source not just for coders y'all), the artwork is public and it's all out there for breweries globally to use. The vision? Breweries will donate proceeds to hospitality pros in their hood...and that a little awareness will be brought to an industry so very deeply impacted by Covid.

Soooooo you can drink a beer and help yo friends! Sign me up.

Let's talk about the beer: I snagged the Twin Sails can at Blind Bay Village Grocer. We also had tried the Outcast Brewing can from Calgary.

Guys, even if this beer wasn't for charity, I'd hunt it down. It's good. It's an IPA: and pours a beauty golden with skim of head. Put your nose into the glass and it'll transport you to some tropical paradise. Mmmm tropical fruit. I love me a juicy IPA, and this one doesn't disappoint. It's delicious. Go ahead, take a sip and tell me what you think. A well balanced mouth-feel with a hint of hoppy bitterness rounds out the fruit-forward flavor that greets you. I probably say this too much, but this is one crushable beer. If my trainer wasn't coming to kick my ass in the morning, I'd probably crack another. But and my quads are forcing me to exercise self-control.

In the Shu? Find more than one brewery serving this recipe up at our favourite local beer cooler at Blind Bay Village Grocer. Snag a 4 pack for you, and for dad...cause his day is just around the corner! You're welcome: go score those brownie points!


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